ANNIE BESANT INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL The glorrious many years of academic excellence is remarkable in the history of Annie Besant International School, Parsa, Patna because it has stepped into another promising area of the school. The completion of this period provides ample opportunity for introspection of the past activity and also for self realization efforts to rise to further heights in the years to come. We wish to convert it into an exemplary institute of learning where ideal future builders of the nation will be produced after attaining all round development and who are fit to undertake any future challenges of the society in its entirety. We desire to have a School of global standards with all the modern facilities and amenities.
Durga Mandir Road, Parsa - Sampat Chak Road, Parsa Bazar
Pin Code : 804453
Phone : 9835031499
Mobile : 9304599947
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